Gym and Fitness Competitions

Gym and Fitness Competition Ideas

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

You would be hard-pressed to find a single person who doesn’t love a good and friendly gym competition. One of the biggest challenges in keeping up with any fitness routine is staying motivated. Many studies find that competition can help people better reach their goals.

Buddy support and music are two other great motivators when it comes to exercise and fitness goals. But, there’s just something about competition. Maybe it’s the feeling of victory or the bragging rights. Maybe it’s the prizes or maybe it’s all the above. Whatever the reason, fitness challenges are great for raising member engagement and marketing your gym. Plus, they’re plain fun to host.

With so many types of challenges to choose from, it can be hard to decide where to start. There are monthly challenges, running challenges, cycling challenges, personal best challenges, and SO. MUCH. MORE. If you’re ready to get some going, we hope this blog helps you. On your marks. Get set…

But First! Before You Start

You want to make sure no matter which gym challenges you choose, they are: 

  • Easily joined
  • Enjoyable
  • Compatible with fitness trackers and other wearable technology 
  • Properly tracked with your software management. Otherwise, keeping tally can get confusing

The Prizes

Prizes can be whatever you want them to be:

  • Free gym time
  • Cool swag
  • A member feature
  • Bragging rights

The Gym Challenges

Social Media Challenges

As you’ve probably suspected, most, if not all, of your members, own at least one social media account. So, don’t be shy! Invite them to take part in a social media challenge.

You can do it one of two ways. 1. An on-going challenge for the month where every day members have to upload a photo or video of their workout. And you can even create a special hashtag for your studio. 2. A one-time challenge of a specific, timed task:

  • Planks
  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Punches

Social media motivates members to stay accountable in front of their friends and family. Once they announce plans to reach their goals they are more likely to hold themselves accountable. Plus again, it’s a great way of marketing your gym. It opens you up to a larger audience and shows people just how fun and supportive you really are. 

Running Challenges

People go to the gym for different reasons. But, one of the top ones is probably for burning calories. And what’s better at burning calories than a good old fashioned run?  The best part is, running challenges can be done anywhere, anyhow. So, whether you want to gather a big group outside of the gym or, you want to meet up virtually it’s all good.

Cycling Challenges

Cycling challenges are like running challenges because they can be done in-house or virtually too. The difference is that with cycling you can vary it up a bit more and make categories. Winners will be chosen by:

  • Best time
  • Most distance traveled
  • Fastest distance traveled

Personal Best Challenges

Every gym member has their own set of fitness goals. Find out what they are.

The goals don’t have to be the same for everyone in order to participate. It doesn’t matter if they’re trying to be better at their running time, or deadlift. Whatever their current status is, document it and then challenge them to beat it quicker than any other gym member.

Give everyone a month to work at their fitness challenges and see what happens. At the end of the month, take down everyone’s information again to see who beat themselves by the predetermined goal: 10%, 20%, 30%, etc.

Have A Great Time

First and foremost, it’s about having a great time. Smashing fitness goals is a close second. But, fun should come first. So, no matter which types of challenges you pick, have a ridiculous amount of fun putting them on, or even joining in on them!

Grow Your Tennis Club

How to Grow Your Tennis Club

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Most people can agree tennis is one of the most underrated sports of all time, but nobody knows for sure why. It’s safe, it’s fun, it’s affordable. It’s also a full-body exercise, great for the mind, social, competitive and can be played all year-round on a variety of tennis court surfaces. So, what’s not to love, right? Here are some tips to consider for growing your tennis club at any time, even during the pandemic.

Find Your Strength

Every sport has its strength. You just have to find it and use it.

In general, tennis’ strength is that it can be played all year long. So, if someone is looking to join a club that’s always active, tennis clubs are certainly appealing.

Right now, tennis’s strength is that it’s perfect in a COVID-climate. That’s because, whereas other sports have big teams, tennis does not. It involves two tennis players, sporting on a court that is already spread out, thanks to natural court dimensions. No flooring tape required! Standard court dimensions are somewhere around 78 feet. That’s way more than 6 feet.

This means group size, social distancing, and face coverings aren’t a big concern for tennis. And it’s also the reason why many outdoor courts have been able to open up ahead of gyms and other fitness facilities that may have concerns about larger gatherings and group size.

Of course, health and safety measures should still be used to help stop the spread of COVID-19. For example:

  • Tennis players should refrain from shaking hands or hugging after a match.
  • Tennis tournaments should wait to resume until things are normal.
  • Social distancing should be respected, and face coverings should be worn when passing other members inside of the health club.
  • Some tennis court surfaces could require additional cleanings.

Get Online

Old school marketing can still make waves but the easiest way to reach an audience is online. Use social media to promote your tennis club- or any club. 

Did you know, on average, each person spends about 4 hours and 25 minutes browsing the internet every day? And 2 hours and 25 minutes of that time are on a social network.

And think about it: that was pre-pandemic. The numbers are likely double the amount now. That’s why it’s as important as ever to have an attractive and functioning website as well as a strong social media presence.

  • Have fun!
  • Display it.
  • Talk about the endless physical and mental benefits.
  • Feature great tennis players, either from your club or celebrities.
  • Promote tennis tournaments.
  • Let everyone know your outdoor courts are open!
  • Offer online classes for tips and techniques.

Implement a Management Software

Anytime is a good time to implement management software. But, if you don’t have one already, now is a good time to research and learn how to use the program. When you’re able to free up time normally spent booking courts and instructors, or billing clients, that’s time away from building up your business. A software management takes over the heavy lifting so you have more time to do other really important things—like perfecting your backhand!

A New Normal for Personal Trainers

A New Normal for Personal Trainers

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

When the Coronavirus reared its ugly head at the start of the year, many businesses had to adjust to a new normal. It was a new normal which included little to no interaction with customers. Restaurants switched to takeout and delivery, big-box stores pushed curbside pick-up, and the world spun madly on. But now, we are reopening and everyone is getting ready to re-adjust once again. So, what will that look like?

For certified personal trainers, it’s great news. We know it isn’t impossible to have virtual fitness sessions or fitness programs. Hello, 2020! And in fact, some trainers may even prefer it. However, the majority live for that face-to-face energy. They want to push limits together, sweat together, and high-five one another.

While that last part might have to wait a bit longer for its comeback, one-on-ones are just around the corner. With a few minor tweaks and extra liability insurance, you will be on your way. If you are a trainer, here’s what to expect.

Adjusted Schedules and New Locations

Restrictions are dwindling but you want to remain vigilant. You can limit your exposure to clients in many ways and still be an effective mentor and trainer. In place of house calls, maybe ask to meet at a nearby park instead. It will allow you to avoid unnecessary contact with extra people and surfaces. Plus, the fresh air and Vitamin D is good for everyone.

Another idea is this. Instead of completely dropping online sessions right away, alternate between virtual fitness and in-person sessions until things are back in full swing.

Limited Interaction

Don’t worry, hugs, high fives, and handshakes aren’t gone forever. But, for the time being, it’s air-fives and foot shakes for you. And no stretching your clients during any training session, no exceptions. Two-feet of distance is still recommended, even for certified personal trainers. In the meantime, go for a side by side hike or jog. Or, pull out the yoga mats for some much-needed anxiety-relief with a side of strength and conditioning.

Equipment Substitutes

Gym equipment can be notorious for being covered in germs, whether you’re at the gym or at home. You have two options.

  1. Pack your usual gear and bring along some spray bottles and rags to clean in-between clients.
  2. Find substitutes for your equipment. Use bodyweight exercises in place of weights when possible. If you prefer actual weights but don’t want to touch each other’s equipment, get creative. Use everyday household items like cans and water jugs instead of dumbbells.


A world pandemic is an uncharted territory for everyone involved. Now more than ever, it’s important to keep the conversation going with your clients. Let them know what changes to expect in your fitness programs and how it will impact your time together.

There is no such thing as over-communication in any relationship. Remind your client not to show up for a training session if they are feeling ill. Then, before you start, talk about what you plan to do together, especially if it’s a new or modified activity. You want them to be aware and comfortable. It’s also a good time to reassess their fitness goals. It’s possible their fitness goals have changed since their last in-person session with you. Are they still focused on strength and conditioning or something else? What is it? Endurance? Weight loss?

Tweaked Contracts

In some cases, a change to your location or activities could mean first consulting with your legal team. They will let you know if you need to add certain verbiage or liability insurance to your contract in order to cover you. It could also mean your clients have to sign a new waiver. But, if that’s the case, don’t fret, there’s no need to be in the office. Mobile-friendly software like EZFacility has your back. It will allow your client to sign their waiver while you are out and about.

Personal trainers, welcome back! Let us know how your first time in-person sessions go. We look forward to hearing from you.

How to Train for Intramural Sports During a Pandemic

How to Train for Intramural Sports During a Pandemic

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

If you are on the fence about recreational sports, do yourself a favour. Join an intramural league at least once in your school lifetime. Intramural leagues are several different things all rolled into one experience. They are exercise, of course, but they are also friendly competition, life skills, and connecting with a community. They are for anyone and everyone who just wants to get together with a group of friends and enjoy sports, camaraderie, and inexpensive fun.

Intramural leagues are not the same thing as school sports. The two are different, though the words are often used interchangeably. In short, intramural sports are organised by students outside of school sanctioned sports programs—basically played for fun and bragging rights! School sports are organized and funded by a university and are a bit more competitive. Intramural teams play against one another while school teams play against other school teams. BUT, that’s another blog for another day!

The question here is- how do student-athletes on intramural teams- or any organised sports- keep their minds and bodies busy when their sport activities are on a break? Because as you know, it’s important to train solo and stay in shape, even during downtime. Here are some at-home workout ideas to get started with.

Virtual Race

Running is always a good go-to option because not only is it good for physical health but it’s also good for mental health. And being home alone doesn’t mean things can’t get a little competitive with some company. Thanks to the internet and many different streaming services, friends and family are just one phone call away from joining a virtual race together. The best news is, it can be done in a variety of places and over and over again.


When done properly, planking can be a very effective practice. It helps coordination, flexibility, metabolism, cardio training, and even posture and back pain. Do it solo or challenge a group of friends to see who can outlast who.

The Classics

When in doubt, take it back to the basics with some jumping jacks and pushups. They are oldies but goodies for a reason. Jumping jacks get the heart rate going and test the body’s physical endurance. Push-ups strengthen the upper body and core. Plus, there are so many different ways to do them that they never get boring. (Do they? Reader’s poll!)


Go for a swim. Swimming is great because it works out a variety of muscles and maintains vital organs, all without any stressful impact on the body. Also, it’s just plain fun, relaxing, and refreshing. So, go on. Dive in.

Dry Swimming

This one might sound silly but don’t skip it over it. Just laugh all the way to the final results. Many professional swimmers use a combination of dry land exercises when they can’t get to the pool, or don’t want to get wet. Breaststrokes, flutter kicks and more can all easily be done on any flooring. All you need are stretch bands, exercise balls, and a little imagination.

Are you involved in recreational sports or sport activities? What’s your take on organised sports? And what exercises would you add to our list? Let us know in the comments! If you need more ideas for at-home or outdoor workouts for fitness levels of every kind, read this next.

Properly Disinfecting Gym Equipment Post-Pandemic

Properly Disinfect Gym Equipment Post-Pandemic

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

With hope of a decline in COVID-19 cases, the world is planning for a return to familiar routines. This includes businesses in a big way. The public will be looking at many places like grocery stores and restaurants to help keep the public safe.

Fitness centres, this also includes you. Have you given any thought to cleaning gym equipment or new employee training? Members will be interested in learning how you plan to keep your space squeaky clean. If you need help coming up with a plan, here are some key items to keep in mind.

Ask Members for Help

Believe it or not, the first step to ensuring your gym members stay healthy starts with your gym members. And? Some old-fashioned soap and water!

Don’t underestimate the power of washing your hands. Washing your hands continues to be the number one defense against viruses. It’s near impossible to disinfect every single gym surface touched in one day. That’s why it’s crucial for everyone to wash their hands before and after using each piece of equipment.

Soap and water kill germs best. But, you can offer several stations with disinfectant wipes throughout the building as a back-up. Also, give members access to spray bottles and towels to wipe down their machinery.

  • Antibacterial soap kills bacteria- not viruses.
  • Wet wipes, such as baby wipes, only remove dirt and oils from the skin.
  • Same for hand sanitiser. It only kills bacteria unless you find an alcohol-based version. When using it, keep it on the hands for a certain amount of time. Otherwise, it might not work.
  • It might take several wet wipes or disinfectant wipes to get hands and gym equipment clean.

Learn the Difference Between Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sanitising

Do you know the differences between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitising? According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are some. And it’s a good time to learn what they are because cleaning on its own is not enough right now.  Learning the differences will help you map out your return routine and put you at the top of your cleaning game. Here are the differences in short:

  • Cleaning removes dirt and germs from services but doesn’t kill them.
  • Disinfecting will kill germs through the use of chemicals.
  • Sanitising uses a combination of cleaning and disinfecting. It lowers the number of germs and the spread of reinfection.

Buy the Right Chemicals

If you are looking for the best cleaning defenses against viruses, here they are. Soap and water, bleach, isopropyl alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide.

If those cleaners aren’t appropriate for your flooring, it’s okay to use your regular cleaner. However, you should use the above recommendations for all other surfaces. Certain items such as ammonia solutions do not protect against viruses.

And as always, do not use certain products in combination with each other. Surprisingly, bleach and vinegar fumes don’t mix well together, the same way bleach solutions and ammonia solutions don’t. They can create hazardous, or potentially deadly, fumes when combined. If you need to use several kinds, a good idea is to use them on alternating days.

Know the Dirtiest Spots

Here’s a pop-quiz for you: which areas of fitness centers are harboring the most germs?

Did your mind immediately go to bathrooms, locker rooms, or door handles? While you technically aren’t wrong, those are mega hotspots also, your gym equipment actually has more! The treadmills, weights, gym mats, and exercise balls are all loaded.

Maybe that’s because people touch them more often or because bathrooms get more attention. Either way, it’s better safe than sorry. Create a chart and keep track of how often you’re tackling each item. The same goes for home gym equipment as well. Personal trainers who make house-calls should be mindful of that. Always wipe down home gym equipment in between uses.

Another thing to pay attention to are your cleaning supplies themselves. Your towels are cleaning counters and your mops are cleaning the floors. What’s cleaning your towels and mops? You don’t want to accidentally reinfect surfaces. So, be sure to thoroughly disinfect, sterilise all towels, mops and get your equipment clean.

Hire Extra Staff

Now you know the who, what and where, it’s time to start cleaning gym equipment and more. Consider hiring extra staff if you need to. Because, if you cleaned bi-weekly, prior to the Coronavirus, you should clean weekly now. Start out with a daily routine and scale it back as time goes on and infections continue to decrease.

Have a morning crew, a night crew, and an in-between crew ready to go. Your management software can help you with creating and keeping track of your new schedules. And if you’re worried it might come off as excessive- don’t be. Seeing your employees in cleaning action could help to ease your gym members’ minds.

Good luck with your cleaning! Be safe and healthy. To find out more tips, during the Coronavirus and more, subscribe to our blog.

COVID-19 Questionnaire

Fitness Questionnaire

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

In one of our recent posts, we talked about the different types of fitness and gym questionnaires to give your members. Because again- who better to ask than them? And believe it or not, that’s still true, even in the midst of a pandemic. We know members haven’t exactly been at your facilities but that doesn’t mean they don’t have things to say.

When COVID-19 first started, a lot of changes were rolled out in a short period of time. Everyone went from working out at the gym with friends to suddenly working out at home alone.

During this time, members have had ample time to think about what they miss most about the gym. While it’s fresh in their minds, ask them to put it to paper. Here are some ideas to get you started.

New Fitness Goals

It’s true most people join the gym with a certain goal in mind. Now that they’ve been home for a while, follow up with them on their goals.

  • How do they feel about their goals now?
  • Are they still working toward the same ones they were earlier on in the year?
  • Do they have any new ones? If so, what are they?

Online Classes

Each gym will have to decide what to do about online classes once things get back to normal. Will they go away completely or can they somehow stay on and serve a purpose?

  • Do members love or hate online classes?
  • Are they easy to follow? Are they hard?
  • Would they be interested in having access to one even after quarantine is over?
  • Have they had any difficulty finding the proper tools and equipment at home?
  • Did they order any new equipment they’d like to see at the gym when they get back?

General Feedback

Remember, pandemics and quarantines are new to everyone. No one knew what to expect going into all this. Ask your members what they have learnt so far from their experience and what you could do to improve it.

  • How do they stay motivated?
  • Are your emails, texts, and videos helpful?
  • What do they enjoy the most about them?
  • What is the hardest part of being away from the gym?
  • Is there a certain teacher or class that stands out from the rest right now? Who is it and why?
  • Do they plan to come back to the gym? Why or why not?

Easing Back Into Things

This portion could be extra helpful in getting you and your members back into the swing of things once everything is back to normal. Ask them how you can help make them more comfortable when they return.

  • Would they like to see you clean more?
  • Would they like new class offerings?
  • Do they need to take it slow to help rebuild muscle tone or endurance? Or are they ready to jump in?

These are just some questions to get you started on your survey. We know you will think of many more great ones to add. We wish you every success during these uncertain times. Our hope is you come back even greater and that maybe a survey like this can help you achieve your goals.

COVID-19 Legalities

COVID-19 Legalities

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Over the last couple of months, gym owners have had to quickly transform their studios from in-person training to virtual. If you are one of them, it’s possible during your transition you overlooked two factors: Liability and insurance coverage. 

Did your heart skip a beat reading those words? What about them? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.

This is new territory for everyone involved. Between drafting emails and choosing video platforms, liability and insurance coverage likely are not at the forefront of your mind. Especially if you’re new to owning a gym and recently conquered all that legal mumbo-jumbo anyway. Or, if you’ve owned one for a while and are pretty confident about the language you have in place. However, a pandemic changes things.  Here are some things to consider.

Tweak the Language

As you know, accidents don’t only happen at gyms but your coverage might only protect you there. This is why any instructor who has ever considered hosting a boot camp at a local park has been encouraged to double-check their policy first. Well, the same is true for online classes. During COVID-19, many people are learning they are not covered at home and require a more blanket-coverage policy.

Now is the time to pull yours out and go over the language with a fine-toothed comb. You want to be sure it covers you anywhere, anyhow. No one knows for sure how long this virus is here for and you would hate to encounter a preventable setback early on, or at all.

Add a Disclaimer

If you’ve ever tried a workout video before, like P90X or Insanity, then you’ve seen an example of a disclaimer. It’s all the text that scrolls on the screen just before you delve in. What it’s telling you is: do not proceed before consulting with your doctor. It’s also telling you to stop immediately if there is any shortness of breath, chest pains, or nausea.

While that seems like common knowledge to many, it’s important to include. This is because not everyone doing your workout will be a pro-gym-goer. Some of them could be trying it out for the first time in several years, as a way to keep busy during the quarantine.

So, whenever you post pre-recorded videos, be sure to tag in a quick disclaimer. And if you’re instructing live, go over it each time before you start. Even if it seems redundant, it is necessary.

Have Conversations

Keep an open line of communication with your clients. Before you start online instructions, let them know it may be more challenging than what they are used to and tell them why. There isn’t the proper space and equipment at home like there is at the gym. Also, instructors aren’t able to watch over clients in the same way. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to accomplish but they will have to be mindful and careful.

Teach your members to look for any signs of stress, encourage them to do modifications if need be, and to reach out with any questions or concerns they have.

Familiarise Yourself with Legal Terms

Familiarise yourself with specific legal terms like “Force Majeure”. It’s an unpredicted circumstance that prevents someone from being able to fulfill contracts. In this case, it’s your clients and their membership contracts with you.

In the upcoming weeks, it’s possible you’re going to discover many people are unable to pay you and you will have tough decisions to make. To waive or not to waive, that is the question!

Unfortunately, not every business is able to waive fees for their clients and that’s understandable. The hope is that those much-anticipated business grants will soon roll in and save the financial day. But, in the meantime, there are definitely some things you can do to safeguard yourself. One of them is by adding a clause in your contracts for any new clients that are signing up now.

What to Expect When Gyms Reopen

What to Expect When Gyms Reopen

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Over the coming months, the UK will begin reopening business including those within the Fitness Industry. Fitness enthusiasts everywhere will be eager to get back to their gyms so they can reclaim their health and a sense of normality. But the burning question is, will it be like it was B.C (Before COVID-19) or will there be a new normal?

As a gym owner, here’s what to expect and implement in your own gym to help ease everyone’s minds while also keeping them safe.


You’re going to hear a lot about phases. Your gym won’t reopen in full force but instead in several installments.

In the first phase, you will see some social distancing still going on. You’re likely sick of that term by now but it is crucial in stamping out the virus for good, or else, the nation risks reinfection and another quarantine.

The first phase could look like:

  • A capped amount of guests each day
  • Limited workout areas
  • Arrows on the floors to help direct the flow of traffic
  • Empty workout equipment between every person who is on a bike or treadmill, etc.
  • Classes continuing to meet online, for the time being

New Employee Training

Plan a meeting with your employees before reopening. It’s okay to be honest with them if you are unsure how things will play out. This is a new situation for everyone involved.

One team building idea is to come up with a list of questions and concerns you think guests might have. Then, roleplay them together. It will help employees feel more prepared and confident and less silly when they have to say things like, “Excuse me, you need to be standing six feet apart.”


It’s no secret gyms were always one of the germiest places to hang out in. Whenever there are a bunch of people in one space, touching the same surfaces, over and over, there is bound to be germs.

We know that you know how to deep clean your gym and you take pride in doing so! But, whatever you were doing before should be ramped up now. And, don’t be shy in asking members for help. They should be willing to do their part, especially after being stuck at home for so long. They will have a newfound appreciation for being able to go to the gym again.

  • Set out spray bottles and paper towels for everyone to wipe down their equipment/mats before and after each use
  • Give special attention to all door handles, surfaces and bathrooms

Proper Hygiene Practices

In addition to wiping down equipment, remind everyone how important proper hygiene practices are right now. Ask them to:

  • Stay home if they feel ill or have been around someone who feels ill
  • Not to share towels or other personal items
  • Wash their hands
  • Use soap and water over hand sanitiser whenever possible
  • Avoid eye rubbing and face-touching

Follow the Guidelines

Because this is an ever-evolving situation, things can change at any time. So, it’s very important to stay up to date with any news.

6 Ways to Boost Gym Revenue During Covid-19

6 Ways to Boost Gym Revenue During Covid-19

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Covid-19 is here and your gym is closed down for safety measures. So, you’ve moved classes online with various chat platforms and EZFacility’s new video library feature. But now what?

You’re absolutely right! Keeping members motivated and classes rolling are two important areas to focus on. But, you’ll still need to safeguard your long term goals. You can do this by bringing in steady revenue despite what’s going on.

In this post, we’ve put together a list of ideas that have worked for some of our other gym owners. Check them out and see if you spot anything you think might work for you too.

Discount Memberships

Don’t be afraid to temporarily discount your memberships and services right now. Especially as members make the move online with you.

It doesn’t lessen the value of your product at all. Instead, it allows members to hang on to their memberships during these uncertain financial times. It also makes sure you still have steady money coming in.

Rent Out Equipment

If you don’t want to discount your memberships just yet, you can look for enticing perks to offer up instead. One thing to offer existing members is the ability to rent out your gym equipment, for free! It could make working out from home that much easier -or enjoyable- for them. And again, it gives them an extra incentive to hang on to their membership.

Bonus Classes

While new sign-ups might be far and few between in the coming weeks, they aren’t impossible. So, don’t get discouraged.

Entice new members by offering a bonus with their sign-up.  For example, a package of 10 extra sessions that don’t include an expiration date. It’s something for them to cash in whenever things get back to normal. (And they will!)  You could also keep your referral program going strong with the same kind of idea.

Gift Certificates

Offer gift certificates that work like bonds. Meaning, whatever amount your customer chooses to purchase now can be used for higher value later.  

What this does is, it puts immediate money into your institution and keeps you going, with the promise of more worth to the customer later on. And who doesn’t want more when it comes to the gym? More classes, more personal sessions, and more merchandise? Yes, please!

Private Video Calls / 1-on-1 Sessions

Speaking of personal training sessions, another thing you can offer is private video calls. You’re likely already streaming free sessions to spark interest for new members and regular classes for existing members. So, how about tossing some 1-on-1 time into the mix for an additional fee?

These are just some of the ideas you can use to continue bringing money to your gym. Have you tried any yet? Let us know what’s been working for you.

Outdoor Workout Ideas

Outdoor Workout Ideas

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

With gym facilities closing across the country due to the Coronavirus, gym-goers are worried about how they will do their daily exercises. The truth is, many of them are used to gym life. They feel most comfortable with guidance and group settings. And they’re probably unsure of how to keep busy at home without the proper equipment or instruction.

As their gym owner, you can greatly reduce their worries by doing a few things:

  1. Stay connected through emails and texts with the help of your management software.
  2. Temporarily move your classes online.
  3. Give them alternative tips for staying busy in the interim, like some easy outdoor workouts.

Even for the most in-shape athlete, it only takes a matter of weeks to lose some or all of that hard-earned progress. And since no one knows for certain how long the coronavirus will be hanging around, it’s important to keep moving at home. Again, let your members know you’re offering online classes but, also give them ideas for working out on their own too.

Yes, social distancing means you shouldn’t be out in groups. That’s because the virus is able to spread from just a few feet of distance. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t go outside.

Check in with your members regularly. If they are feeling antsy being cooped up indoors, encourage them to take their workouts to their back gardens if possible. It will give them some much needed natural vitamin D, serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and so much more.

Here are ideas to offer them (and to practice yourself!):

  • Walk with the family after meals.
  • Go on a virtual walk/jog with a friend on Facetime.
  • Lay a blanket in the grass and do yoga sequences.
  • Get a little cardio and strength training going with gallons of water and canned goods in place of dumbbells.
  • Take a spin around the neighbourhood on bicycles.
  • Swim several laps in the pool.
  • Dust off the old jump rope.
  • Create a ninja warrior obstacle course in the back garden.

What kinds of outdoor workouts have you been doing at home? Share your ideas in our comments. After all, we are all in this together!

Tell us what you miss the most about being at the gym, we want to hear that too! Is it the instructors, a specific class, the snacks, social hour- or all of the above?