3 Ideas for Turning Your Gym Virtual During Covid-19

3 Ideas for Turning Your Gym Virtual During Covid-19

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

The Covid-19 pandemic is continuing to spread throughout the country, and the world. Each day, more and more businesses are temporarily closing their doors; Among them are gyms.

Social distancing might be one of our best chances of slowing the spread of the virus. But that doesn’t make the upheaval to daily routines any less irritating. Dedicated gym-goers are looking for ways to maintain a sense of normality.

Everyone knows the gym is about way more than physical benefits. It’s about the social and emotional ones as well. So, how do you keep your members moving and connected during this stressful time? The answer is by utilising the wonderful world wide web.

That’s right- the Coronavirus may have taken our toilet paper but it didn’t take our streaming networks. And it doesn’t have to take your muscle tone or fitness community either. For the time being, consider virtually running your gym with these tips.

Live Sessions

You can take the members out of the gym but you can’t take the gym out of the members! That means, your members should have no problem following you to an online setting for the time being. Especially since almost every household owns at least one computer or mobile device. They can easily jump on for a class and will likely be eager to do so. All you have to do is set one up and announce it across your social media and emails.

If you aren’t sure where to start, there are a ton of platforms available to you. Google Hangouts, Zoom, Discord, Skype and Facebook Live are all good options.

Skype is good for a more intimate class number. Google Hangouts and Zoom each have the ability to accommodate 100 people and more. Discord is perfect for running many channels and classes at the same time. Facebook Live is great when you want to share quick tips, moves or announcements but don’t need to see your audience. The rest let you interact with them.

Pre-Recorded Sessions

In addition to live classes, consider offering pre-recorded lessons too. Nobody knows for sure how long this situation will last. It’s upsetting, we know! But, preparing material for users to access whenever they like could be a real lifesaver. Your members will appreciate having extra workouts at their fingertips to keep their minds and bodies busy.

If you’ve been thinking of creating a Youtube channel, here’s your opportunity. You can choose to give clients exclusive access or leave your videos open to the public. Opening them up for all viewers could lead to a larger following and potential new member sign-ups when you get back inside your gym.

Blog Tips

Startup a blog or vlog where you can talk about anything you feel is interesting and relevant to the times. Things like tips and tricks for how to get moving with limited home space and supplies or, how to keep your body fueled with what’s in your pantry.

Another idea is to line up some beginner tutorials for anyone looking to safely test out a new indoor exercise such as yoga or dance. A lot of people are interested in learning something new but don’t normally have the time to do so. However, right now almost everyone is at home and able to learn.

Gym owners, we know you can’t wait for things to get back to normal and to be operating from your gyms. In the meantime, we wish you every success in making the most of the current situation. Check back for more updates!

How to Market Martial Arts To Adults

How to Market Martial Arts To Adults

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

The benefits of martial arts are endless. Not only do they help build up physical endurance, but they also teach discipline, confidence, and moral values. For these reasons, a lot of people are quick to enroll their kids in classes. (Which is never a bad thing!) However, many adults can also gain something from those same lessons.

School owners, are you interested in getting more adult students to sign up for your martial arts classes? We want to help you. There are ways to make your classes more appealing to adult students like by offering a free trial or adding in some evening classes. Read more here.

Plan it Right

You’ve heard it before: timing is everything.

Sometimes, adults are interested in learning but can’t make it to class at the regular scheduled time. That’s where children students have it pretty easy; They can join an after-school or summer martial arts program. Whereas, adult students have jobs and lives to maintain. Which is why finding the time to make it to a class is much harder.

Start by offering several evening classes. The later time slots should allow them ample time to fight traffic home, take care of their family responsibilities and still get to class on time.

Offer Family-Friendly Options

Many parents might jump at the idea of joining a martial arts class if they are able to bring their kids with them. Many parents don’t have anyone to watch their kids or don’t feel comfortable being away from them for a long time. You can help solve this problem in a couple of ways:

  • Offer evening childminding services at your facility for the children of your students. That way, while the parents are getting their workout in, the kids are doing homework, watching movies, or participating in other activities with a certified childcare worker.
  • Encourage family bonding time and advertise “Mummy and Me” or “Daddy and Me” sessions where the kids can work out alongside their parents.

Run Different Promotions

Consider running different promotions geared toward adult groups. Generally speaking, kids don’t have a problem jumping into new settings and making friends. But, adults tend to be more reserved and feel safest in numbers. Offering them the opportunity to bring along a group of friends, or a partner, could make all the difference for a lot of people who are scared to show up alone.

  • Group discounts:  If it’s a shyness factor, a group discount could be appealing for many martial arts students. For someone who has never done a martial arts class before, they might feel less uncomfortable being surrounded by a group of friends.
  • Couple Classes:  In martial arts, there are many times you get teamed up with a partner. Imagine being able to bring your partner with you. It could turn what would’ve been an awkward evening into a fun date-night routine.
  • Word of mouth advertising: Referral programs are great for everyone involved! Chances are, your students are already doing word of mouth advertising for you anyway because martial arts lessons are a ton of fun. So, why not offer them an incentive to tell more of their friends?
  • Free trial: This is for the person who knows about the benefits of martial arts but is still on the fence about joining. A free trial could be the push that’s needed to get started. It doesn’t have to be a long time offer, just a couple of free passes.
  • Charity event: Hosting a charity event where all of the guests are invited to participate in martial arts lessons could definitely spark some interest.

School owners, good luck on finding more adult martial arts students. One last tip is to be sure to include social media in your marketing efforts. Social media can help you pinpoint the target audience you are looking for.

Fitness and Gym Questionnaire Tips

Fitness and Gym Questionnaire Tips

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

As a gym owner, you’re bound to have a lot of questions about your services and how you’re performing, and who better to ask them to than your gym members, right? After all, they are with you each day and night and they likely have some beneficial feedback. It could help you identify what you’re doing right and what you need to improve on. The problem is, how do you ask them?

The answer is- with some questionnaires and surveys.

Questionnaires and surveys might sound like a big ask, but they don’t have to be. You can keep them quick and concise and even offer incentives for doing them, if you want.

They are great tools to use and can help you in two major ways. Not only do they gather important information, but they also make your fitness club members feel like their opinions are valued (because they are!). Both of those things combined lead to happier customers and can help increase retention.

Incoming Member Surveys

Why not kick it off with an entrance survey?

It can be short and sweet and still tell you a lot about what you want to know. Like, how your new member found you and if they are brand new to working out or if they are a seasoned pro. It can also help you to understand why they left another fitness centre and what they hope to gain from their experience with you.

Are you curious about what inspired them to reach out to you in the first place? That can be asked on an incoming survey as well. It’s never a bad idea to find out if your marketing efforts are getting good reach or if they happened upon you by chance.

Fitness Goal Questionnaires

Most people sign up for the fitness club with a specific goal in mind. So, ask them what theirs is!

When you know your member’s goals and what motivates them, you can better map out your class schedule and calendar of events with that information in mind. Maybe it will even allow you to uncover a trend worth looking into such as a new piece of equipment or a new class.

Knowing your members interests also helps you to curate special push-notifications and nurture emails on your software management program.

Teacher/Class Evaluations

Members start the gym for several reasons but ultimately they stay for one: the way they feel when they’re in the gym environment. A big part of that has to do with great customer service and the interaction they receive with your teachers during classes. Great customer service is a big deal.

Teacher and class evaluations can tell you which ones are preferred, why or why not, and if they are able to follow along, feel comfortable asking questions and if they’re being challenged enough.

General Feedback

A general survey is just you checking in with your members and helping you to create happier customers. You’re saying, “I’m happy you’re here and I hope you’re enjoying your time with us but if there is something we can be doing to make it even better, we’re all ears.”

Ask them how often they come, how they feel about parking, cleanliness, gym equipment, member perks, how you could increase referrals, and if there’s anything else they want to mention.

One Question Surveys

One question surveys are exactly that- a super simple survey with one direct question on it such as, “Did you enjoy the new class tonight?”

Members appreciate one question surveys because they’re quick and to the point and they never feel like a chore.

Cancellation Surveys

No one likes to see their customers cancel but you can turn it into a positive by learning something from it.

Sometimes, people leave the gym for circumstances out of your control like they simply need to cut back on their finances or they’re moving out of town. But if it turns out it does have something to do with your studio, a cancellation survey can address it so you can fix it for other members moving forward and increase retention. 

Ask them what the best and worst parts were about their time with you and how likely they’d be to recommend you to their friends.

Have fun creating your surveys, we know they will bring you some good information about your business and hopefully increase referrals.

Eco-friendly Gym Ideas

Environmentally Friendly Gym Ideas

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

With more and more people turning to eco-friendly living, businesses are also starting to take an interest; This includes gym studios. Eco-friendly gyms are on the rise.

Believe it or not, gyms can have a huge impact on how to reduce the carbon footprint, especially in the United Kingdom, where the fitness industry is thriving. Many are taking up this initiative because they understand the health of the planet directly impacts the quality of our health as well. So, if you’re a gym owner who is curious about ways of applying greener living to your health club, you are in the right place.

In this post, you will discover how eco-friendly gyms are choosing to live more intently. Find quick tips from how to pick out gym equipment and cleaning supplies all the way to why light bulbs and rubber floors make a difference. Here are 3 key things to pay attention to when learning to become more environmentally conscious so you can cut down on your energy bills.

The Three R’s

You might have heard of the three big r’s of going green: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The idea is to alleviate the amount of rubbish being hauled off to already overflowing landfills. All you have to do is cut down on what you buy and then give more life to those items.

  • As you know, plastic water bottles are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to waste. Trade them out and sell reusable ones (with your logo!) in their place.
  • Offer a water fountain with a bottle filler for members to replenish their bottles.
  • Set up a recycle bin.
  • Limit your paper use and install a software management program like EZFacility. It can help manage sign-ups, waivers, class scheduling, pop-up events and more.
  • Consider second-hand gym equipment instead of brand new.
  • Upcycle everyday items and learn how to turn them into effective gym tools.
  • Offer a selection of gently used workout clothes for sale in your merchandise shop that has either been donated by other members or hand-picked by you.
  • Learn about recycled rubber and see if it’s a good option for your flooring. Not only is recycled rubber easier to manufacture and low on cost, but it also saves many old tires from winding up at the landfill. Research carefully though, as there are some drawbacks, including the smell and potential allergies.
  • Bleach, ammonia and formaldehyde can irritate the eyes, skin and lungs. Replace harmful cleaning supplies with all-natural options like baking soda and vinegar.
  • Instead of cleaning wipes for personal mats, offer spray bottles, natural cleaners, essential oils, and reusable microfiber cloths. 

Power Down

Some of the easiest changes to start making at your health club have to do with energy efficiency.

  • Swap regular light bulbs with LED ones and save on energy bills right away. They live longer, don’t overheat and are up to 90% more efficient.
  • Be mindful of water usage. One flush on an older model toilet can use double the number of gallons of water than a low-flow toilet would.
  • Install a smart thermometer to help regulate your studio temperature by preprogramming when you want it to shut off.  
  • Occasionally turn off the air-conditioner all together and open the windows for cross ventilation instead. Only when it makes sense, for example, on cooler, breezier days. You don’t want anyone to overheat.
  • Since you don’t need technology plugged in when it’s not in use, be sure to power down every night during close, or even between classes.

Partner Up

It’s smart to partner up with other companies who are aligned with the same goals as you. It helps you stay on track and also makes your overall mission in reducing your carbon footprint easier.

  • Opt for eco-friendly flooring companies who offer rubber floors.
  • Same for your environmentally friendly gym equipment.
  • Purchase sustainable snacks with smart and ethical packaging.
  • Replace your bathroom soaps with better-for-you artisanal ones. 
  • Include stainless steel reusable straws to sell alongside your cups.
  • Team up with a reusable bag company for your swag bags at events.

With this list, you will be part of the eco-friendly gyms club in no time at all and gym goers will take notice. Kudos to you for going green!

Yoga Resources For Teachers in 2020

Yoga Resources For Teachers in 2020

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Like many jobs in the fitness industry, running a yoga studio can require a yoga instructor to wear several different hats. On top of planning classes, teaching them, and training employees, they also have to grow a business, keep certifications up to date and squeeze in some practice time of their own. Fortunately, there are many great yoga resources for teachers to be able to accomplish all of those things and more. Just ask the universe (and EZFacility) and you shall receive! In this post, here are some of the top ones we recommend starting with.

The Yoga Alliance

The Yoga Alliance is one of the very first resources you will uncover as a teacher. It’s the place where you will go to get registered as a yoga instructor. It’s also where you can connect with one of the largest yoga teacher associations in the yoga community. On the site you will find organisational tools for keeping track of teacher training and credentials as well as endless articles, videos, online workshops, teaching tips, sequencing tips, yoga events and more.

90 Monkeys

90 Monkeys is an online resource created by yoga teachers for other yoga teachers. Co-founders, Amy Ippoliti and Taro Smith wanted something where people could collaborate together in the community because they know it takes an army. 90 Monkeys words super hard to help others thrive in their lives and in their yoga studies. They have taught several online courses to people in many different countries. On their site, you will find a variety of different courses available for enrollment.

Yoga U Online

Online tutorials are great but sometimes you aren’t able to sit down in front of the computer like you’d like to. So, how about listening to something on the go instead? That’s where Yoga U Online’s free podcasts come in handy. They cover a pretty broad range of topics for every level yogi.

Yoga Leader Retreat

Walk away from a yoga retreat feeling spiritually rejuvenated. It’s a pretty magical thing getting together with a group of people who want to share their minds, souls and yoga poses with one another. Any retreat has important takeaways. However, there are retreats created specifically for teachers where all of the activities are heavily focused on teacher training, growth and development.

Yoga Expo

If you can’t get away for a big chunk of time, be on the lookout for a yoga expo happening in your area. Not only are they a lot of fun to attend, but you can also learn quite a few things from them too.

Walk around and discover new industry props, sample healthy snacks and products, and participate in other yoga classes. Participating in another teacher’s class gives you hands-on experience and potentially some new techniques and sequencing to implement in your own classroom. Don’t forget to bring your own yoga mat!

The Yoga Journal

The Yoga Journal is for the everyday yogi. For the last 50 years, they have been helping people keep their minds, bodies, and spirits healthy on and off their yoga mat. They show you how to apply the art in your everyday life.

On their site, they have a little something for everyone.  There are great reads, appetising recipes, yoga poses and inspirational playlists. In addition, teachers will discover an entire tab devoted to them with tips from some of the top players in the industry.

Have fun getting started with these yoga resources for teachers. Use one or use them all. Whatever speaks the loudest to you. This is just the beginning of possibilities. Namaste. 

Incentive Programmes for Fitness Centres

Incentive Programmes for Fitness Centres

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Working on marketing efforts and getting your gym’s name out there is never a bad idea. Yes, absolutely make those announcements and throw those events. Woo! And hey, have a great time doing it because prospective members can’t help but take notice.

But, when you’re ready to shift gears, we have other ideas we think you might like. These ideas will focus less attention on gaining new members and more attention on retaining your existing ones. After all, member retention is going to be your overall end game. So, in this post are some incentive programmes to consider implementing in your fitness centre that will help you achieve exactly that.

Referral Programmes

A referral programme is at the top of this gym incentive list because it doesn’t take much work to kick off and members love it. The best referral programme typically credits both parties: the referrer and the recipient but the options are endless.

Members love referral programmes because, when you’re proud of your gym, you’re likely already telling all of your friends to check it out. So, being offered brownie points to do something you’re doing anyway is like icing on the cake.

A good referral programme does many things for you as the gym owner also. It saves you a few pounds on your marketing budget because your amazing members are helping you with your word-of-mouth efforts and enrollment. It also points out the areas you need improvement on if you discover your members don’t want to refer you.

Friendly Games

There’s nothing like a little good ol’ fashioned, friendly competition to get members pumped up on physical activity. It’s true. If you turn their gym experience into a game, it could motivate them to stick around longer until they’ve reached their goals. It’s the same way playing music is proven to keep members engaged in physical activity for longer.

All you need is a few basic rules and a way to track member’s points, for instance, on your management software. It can be done in different ways, like rewarding the first member to hit so many miles on the treadmill, beast so many push-ups, or hit their weight loss goals.

The reward could be a small gift card or store merchandise. If your budget won’t allow you to do a gift card, even just bragging rights will work. Create a special champion belt for your member to wear out one evening or give them designated front row parking for a month. Both ideas are impactful but inexpensive gestures.

Exclusive Events

Who doesn’t want to be invited to VIP events? Uh, nobody.

You have to admit there is something enticing about being offered a members only exclusive perk at enrollment. People will be saying, “Ooh, sign me up!” And the events don’t have to be done inside of the gym either. You can poll your members monthly to see which types of places they recommend. Then ultimately, you decide what you’d like to offer: some appetisers at a restaurant, the first round of drinks at the bar, the first few games of bowling, etc.

Member Recognition

At a small gym, members become more like family. And what’s one way to show family members how important they are to you? By remembering those special dates and occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. The same is true of your gym members.

Shout out birthdays, gym sign-up anniversaries and milestone achievements. You can create special display boards with their names and pictures and include them in your monthly newsletter too. They will love and appreciate all the love and attention.


Love thy neighbor- and then promote them inside your gym! You can team up to trade services and products or work out a deal for your members to receive their discounts. Ideally, you want to partner with brands who align with your values and health mission.

When creating incentive programmes for your fitness centre there are many possibilities. If you have any tried and true practices we’d love for you to share your experiences with us in the comments.

Opening a Crossfit Gym

Opening a CrossFit Gym Checklist

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

If you are researching information on how to open your own CrossFit gym, then you are in the right place. In this post, you will find a quick CrossFit checklist to run through. Similar to opening any other gym, you want to make sure you have the right location and equipment and proper startup costs. This checklist will touch on all of those items and help you get started.

Do you have the right location?

Location is big when opening a gym, because as you know, there are things to consider like if it’s in a central enough area and if people are able to find it okay. Then, there are questions about the building itself like- is it sandwiched between other businesses and will you need to do any remodeling?

However, location is especially important when opening up a CrossFit box. You have people climbing ropes, dropping barbells and dumbbells all over the floor, tossing wall balls, doing walking handstands and push-ups, etc.

Here are some things to consider when looking for your perfect CrossFit business:

  • Are you alone in the building or do you have neighbours?
  • If you have neighbors, are you on an end or sandwiched between them?
  • Is there a way to sound-proof or mask some of the noise?
  • Are the ceilings high enough for rope climbing workouts?

Is there room to grow?

This one goes along with the part about selecting a location suitable for CrossFit activities. If you’re teetering between starting small or big, here is food for thought.

It’s true, they do call it a “CrossFit box”. While we agree it could be financially wise of you to start off with a more modest space since you don’t know how your small business will take off- We also know there’s a lot going on in a CrossFit gym and you need sufficient space. There are pros to going bigger right away, as long as you are comfortably within your budget range.

  • Are you able to envision many different athletes doing their workouts all at the same time, without being in each other’s way or getting hurt?
  • If you have your heart set on a smaller space, is there an available space next door?
  • If not, is there a way to put your name on a first dibs list, for future expansion opportunities?

What type of equipment do you need?

Startup costs can add up quickly. While most of the purchases are necessary and have set prices, like in the case of legal fees and certifications, there are a couple of other ways to cut down costs. One of the biggest ones is by being extra careful with your equipment expenses. Gym equipment alone can cost tens of thousands of dollars, if bought brand new. So, make sure to take your time researching this area.

  • What are the essential items you need to start?
  • What items can wait to be purchased at a later date?
  • Do you plan to buy or lease equipment?
  • Have you considered buying secondhand pieces from the internet? Ex: eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace

We hope this CrossFit checklist helps you get started on the right foot with your small business. If you’ve already started your own list and have something to add, let us know in the comments.

7 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

7 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

For most people, it isn’t the working out part that gets them. It’s trying to stay on track with an eating plan, especially during the Christmas season. Because, let’s be honest, no matter how badly you want to drop those pounds, you can’t reason with temptation clouding your brain.

If you need help attending some chocolate-charged holiday parties without face planting in the very first pies, these healthy eating tips are for you.

1. Eat before you go.

The same way you’d never go to the supermarket hungry is the same way you shouldn’t show up to seasonal parties on an empty stomach. You’re just asking for trouble. Because when the hunger pains strike, you won’t be eyeballing your grandma’s tray of healthy veggies. You will be headed straight for the sinful calories- and the naughty list!

Curb your hunger by eating something small yet filling before you leave the house like an apple, hard-boiled egg or leafy green salad. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Sometimes your brain tricks you into thinking you want to eat when you’re actually only thirsty.

2. Bring your own food.

Not sure what’s going to be on the menu? Ask the host if you can bring something to contribute. That way you will know for sure there is at least one dish you can enjoy guilt-free. You will be happy, and the host will have one less item to stress over. It’s a win/win.

This is also great for anyone with diet restrictions or food allergies as well. If you are ever unsure about the ingredients, bring something to share. It’s better safe than sorry.

3. Concentrate on your meal.

Research shows people who eat in front of the television, or absentmindedly, tend to eat quicker and bigger portions than normal. So, take it slow and really indulge your senses: Look at your plate and admire the colours before you. Eat slowly and anticipate every bite working its way to your lips. Focus on the way the ingredients smell and taste. Notice the different textures as you chew.

Not only will you be able to better register when you are full and consume less calories, but you will also appreciate your meal more.

4. Grab a friend.

Have you done steps 1-3 but still aren’t sure if you can be trusted? When you’re feeling weak at the knees, it pays to buddy up with someone. Sitting next to another healthy eater holds you accountable and ensures you’re less likely to stray.

5. Use smaller plates.

The bigger the plate, the more likely you are to pile it on. Instead, opt for eating dinner on a smaller one, like a dessert plate. It will ensure your body has more time to recognise when it’s full. Plus, if you pile on the protein and vegetables first you will have less room for the unhealthy stuff.

6. Pick One.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or it will give the bad items more appeal. Allow yourself to choose one goodie to eat, and you are less likely to overdo it -or worse- completely sabotage your hard work.

Consider your options though. For instance, don’t waste empty calories on crisps when they’re available all year long. Pick a treat unique to the season, like your mum’s famous Christmas pudding. Now that’s something worth celebrating. And again, don’t scarf it down. Eat slowly and take the time to enjoy it.

7. Workout.

If you follow these tips and still find yourself feeling weighed down the next day, shake it off with a little physical activity.

An early morning workout is known to rev-up your metabolism and help you burn off a few extra calories throughout the day. Go for a walk, or drop inside a nearby spinning class. Your body will feel rejuvenated and so will your mind.

Have you started planning your health goals for the new year? We’d love to hear them. Drop us a line in our comments. For more industry related tips, be sure to visit our blog often.

Business Plan for Yoga Studio

Business Plan for Yoga Studio

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

The first step to opening any business is creating a business plan. You might think a yoga business is a bit different given the large market for it, and your undeniable passion for the practice. But, don’t make the mistake of skipping this step. A wise man once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”


You’re probably thinking, “Why not yoga?” Right? You love the benefits of yoga classes, you live and breathe the practice, and you have all your teaching certifications. And you feel like it’s time to carve out your own happy corner of the world by opening a yoga studio business.

You’re off to a great start. But, understand it won’t all be yogi pretzels and rainbows to begin with. Kicking off any business threatens to rob even the most mentally zen person of all their ohm. So, ask yourself these questions.

·      Is this really what you want?

·      How much do you know about owning a small business?

·      Are you okay with working many hours?

·      Can you afford a pay cut until you can get it fully running?

In this post, you will find a quick yoga studio checklist to get started on your path.


Owning your own studio is different than picking up classes in another studio or doing pop-ups in the park. Having your place of business requires you to cover your legal bases.

·      Are your certifications up to date?

·      What about your yoga teachers?

·      What do you know about obtaining a business license?

·      Do you have insurance or liability coverage?


Money is at the top because you won’t get very far without it. Not many people will have the full amount of money to put down themselves.

·      Have you researched initial costs?

·      Will you have a co-owner?

·      What about investors?

·      How much do you expect to make during your first year?

·      Have you calculated legal fees, rent, licenses, equipment, employees, marketing efforts, etc.?

·      Do you have a nest egg for set-backs and emergencies?


Because this is also related to finances.

·  What are your class prices and packages?

·  Have you thought about cancellation fees?

· Will there be membership options?

·  Bonuses or discounts for anything?


You have an idea of what services you’re going to provide and mostly a target market: Yoga and yogi’s. But that might be too general. Get started on looking at a special niche for yourself, if possible.

·      Is there a certain demographic you want to reach most?

·      Is there a specific style of yoga that appeals to you?

·      Which yoga classes will you offer?


Now that you know who you’re targeting, how do you plan to reach them?

·      Have you thought about your business name and logo?

·      Will you have a website?

·      Which social media platforms will you use?

·      Will your yoga teachers have social media too?

·      What events will you organise?

·      Will there be a referral program?

·      What do you know about traditional marketing and digital marketing?


Once you’ve thought about how to promote your small business, you can research tools to implement in your marketing strategies. No, they won’t do all the work for you. But, they will relieve some of the stress. They can help with email blasts, performance analytics, sign-ups, check-ins, scheduling and more.

Check into some of these popular digital marketing tools:

·      Google Analytics

·      Google Adwords

·      Canva

·      Trello

·      Hootsuite

·      Later

·      Management Software


The last step is to summarise everything. Because, the first thing potential investors will want to see is the bigger picture for your yoga business. An executive business plan on how you expect to achieve it. If it doesn’t sound realistic or worthwhile, they won’t risk their time or money in your vision. Your executive business plan should get right down to the nitty-gritty in one concise document.

Did you find these yoga studio business tips helpful? Check out the rest of our blog for more industry related tips.

Yoga Branding Do's and Dont's

Yoga Branding, Important Do’s and Don’ts

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Sorry, Shakespeare. A rose by any other name doesn’t smell quite as sweet in the 21st century when there are plenty of other better-looking roses waiting to out smell you. Names do matter and branding is vital.

Branding is when a company creates a name and design specifically for themselves. It’s a visual representation to help set any business apart from the rest so customers can distinguish their products. Branding can either attract or repel customers and increase or decrease business value.

This is especially true in the yoga community right now, where there is a ton of competition. And the market is expected to double within the next year alone. Meaning, upcoming yoga business owners have much to think about. Like, how they plan to showcase their uniqueness for the world. Make sure you’re doing it right. Here are some dos and don’ts for your studio brand.

DON’T Be Impatient or Make Hasty Decisions

Good things take time and first impressions are everything. You want to put your best foot forward.

The many facets of branding include:

·      logo

·      colour

·      typography

·      imagery

·      voice

·      actions

·      marketing

Start with your logo because it’s the first thing people encounter. You don’t want to rush this step. Take your time, play around with all your options and consider hiring a designer. You might not think you need one but typically, it’s better to spend the money on this step than skimp or cut corners. Logos appear on everything from yoga studios and merchandise to business cards, banners, flyers, social media and much more.

Rebranding, later on, isn’t necessarily a death sentence for a business. But, it does require more work later on than if you just took your time coming up with one you love in the first place, and were consistent across the board.

DO Your Research

If you are still feeling overwhelmed with what you need to come up with, take a peek at your competitors. Find out who they are and what they are doing right or wrong. And take a look at some bigger brands also, even if they aren’t directly related to your playing field. There’s always a lesson to take away.

DON’T Get Hung up on Competition

Find out who the competition is but don’t become obsessed over it. After all, this is about why you’re different. And if you spend too much time looking at someone else’s product, you could accidentally end up very similar, or worse, feeling discouraged.

DON’T Ignore Colour

Colour choice is important in any design. There is research to prove how it affects the human mind, body, and emotions. It’s even more important when creating a yoga business. Yoga studios are meant to be a safe space to relax and open up in. You want to make your clients feel drawn in and comfortable.

When you think of hues in the red, orange, and yellow families, they are all things associated with the sun and fire. As a result, you likely imagine warmth, energy, and enthusiasm. Blues and purples give feelings of being cool, or calm. Green is mostly tied to good health and good fortune. But beware, there are shades that can make you green with envy the same way certain shades of red and yellow can leave you angry or discontent.

DO Pick a Brand Voice

Like colour, your brand’s voice plays a big role in the way you are viewed and how well you are received. Because you already know your target market and are familiar with the yoga community and lifestyle, this one should be relatively easy.

DON’T Forget About Your Personal Brand

Don’t forget about your personal brand. Who you are as the owner is as significant as what your facility stands for as a whole. For one, be authentic. This shouldn’t only be a job for you. Again, it should be your lifestyle. You’ve heard the saying, “Practice what you preach.”

And second, never stop learning. Stay at the top of your game and in the know by attending workshops and speaking with colleagues and mentors often. These things will help you deepen your practice.

DO Be Consistent

Consistency is key. Your studio brand, voice, personal brand, yoga teachers and social media should be aligned at all times. Yes, mix-up your classes from time to time to keep things exciting and fresh, but the way you leave people feeling after their visit should always be the same. If any part of the whole dynamic ever feels the slightest bit off, your customers will be able to feel it. And then your credibility, authenticity, and business could be affected.

Hold regular training with your yoga teachers to go over company news and share feedback together. Your employees are more likely to have pride in their work and feel like part of the family if your vision is clear and it’s one they can stand behind. The same goes for customers.

Check out our blog for more yoga-industry related tips like How to Open a Yoga Studio and also some Gym Event Ideas to get business flowing.