Outdoor Workout Ideas

Outdoor Workout Ideas

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

With gym facilities closing across the country due to the Coronavirus, gym-goers are worried about how they will do their daily exercises. The truth is, many of them are used to gym life. They feel most comfortable with guidance and group settings. And they’re probably unsure of how to keep busy at home without the proper equipment or instruction.

As their gym owner, you can greatly reduce their worries by doing a few things:

  1. Stay connected through emails and texts with the help of your management software.
  2. Temporarily move your classes online.
  3. Give them alternative tips for staying busy in the interim, like some easy outdoor workouts.

Even for the most in-shape athlete, it only takes a matter of weeks to lose some or all of that hard-earned progress. And since no one knows for certain how long the coronavirus will be hanging around, it’s important to keep moving at home. Again, let your members know you’re offering online classes but, also give them ideas for working out on their own too.

Yes, social distancing means you shouldn’t be out in groups. That’s because the virus is able to spread from just a few feet of distance. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t go outside.

Check in with your members regularly. If they are feeling antsy being cooped up indoors, encourage them to take their workouts to their back gardens if possible. It will give them some much needed natural vitamin D, serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and so much more.

Here are ideas to offer them (and to practice yourself!):

  • Walk with the family after meals.
  • Go on a virtual walk/jog with a friend on Facetime.
  • Lay a blanket in the grass and do yoga sequences.
  • Get a little cardio and strength training going with gallons of water and canned goods in place of dumbbells.
  • Take a spin around the neighbourhood on bicycles.
  • Swim several laps in the pool.
  • Dust off the old jump rope.
  • Create a ninja warrior obstacle course in the back garden.

What kinds of outdoor workouts have you been doing at home? Share your ideas in our comments. After all, we are all in this together!

Tell us what you miss the most about being at the gym, we want to hear that too! Is it the instructors, a specific class, the snacks, social hour- or all of the above?