Yoga Branding Do's and Dont's

Yoga Branding, Important Do’s and Don’ts

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Sorry, Shakespeare. A rose by any other name doesn’t smell quite as sweet in the 21st century when there are plenty of other better-looking roses waiting to out smell you. Names do matter and branding is vital.

Branding is when a company creates a name and design specifically for themselves. It’s a visual representation to help set any business apart from the rest so customers can distinguish their products. Branding can either attract or repel customers and increase or decrease business value.

This is especially true in the yoga community right now, where there is a ton of competition. And the market is expected to double within the next year alone. Meaning, upcoming yoga business owners have much to think about. Like, how they plan to showcase their uniqueness for the world. Make sure you’re doing it right. Here are some dos and don’ts for your studio brand.

DON’T Be Impatient or Make Hasty Decisions

Good things take time and first impressions are everything. You want to put your best foot forward.

The many facets of branding include:

·      logo

·      colour

·      typography

·      imagery

·      voice

·      actions

·      marketing

Start with your logo because it’s the first thing people encounter. You don’t want to rush this step. Take your time, play around with all your options and consider hiring a designer. You might not think you need one but typically, it’s better to spend the money on this step than skimp or cut corners. Logos appear on everything from yoga studios and merchandise to business cards, banners, flyers, social media and much more.

Rebranding, later on, isn’t necessarily a death sentence for a business. But, it does require more work later on than if you just took your time coming up with one you love in the first place, and were consistent across the board.

DO Your Research

If you are still feeling overwhelmed with what you need to come up with, take a peek at your competitors. Find out who they are and what they are doing right or wrong. And take a look at some bigger brands also, even if they aren’t directly related to your playing field. There’s always a lesson to take away.

DON’T Get Hung up on Competition

Find out who the competition is but don’t become obsessed over it. After all, this is about why you’re different. And if you spend too much time looking at someone else’s product, you could accidentally end up very similar, or worse, feeling discouraged.

DON’T Ignore Colour

Colour choice is important in any design. There is research to prove how it affects the human mind, body, and emotions. It’s even more important when creating a yoga business. Yoga studios are meant to be a safe space to relax and open up in. You want to make your clients feel drawn in and comfortable.

When you think of hues in the red, orange, and yellow families, they are all things associated with the sun and fire. As a result, you likely imagine warmth, energy, and enthusiasm. Blues and purples give feelings of being cool, or calm. Green is mostly tied to good health and good fortune. But beware, there are shades that can make you green with envy the same way certain shades of red and yellow can leave you angry or discontent.

DO Pick a Brand Voice

Like colour, your brand’s voice plays a big role in the way you are viewed and how well you are received. Because you already know your target market and are familiar with the yoga community and lifestyle, this one should be relatively easy.

DON’T Forget About Your Personal Brand

Don’t forget about your personal brand. Who you are as the owner is as significant as what your facility stands for as a whole. For one, be authentic. This shouldn’t only be a job for you. Again, it should be your lifestyle. You’ve heard the saying, “Practice what you preach.”

And second, never stop learning. Stay at the top of your game and in the know by attending workshops and speaking with colleagues and mentors often. These things will help you deepen your practice.

DO Be Consistent

Consistency is key. Your studio brand, voice, personal brand, yoga teachers and social media should be aligned at all times. Yes, mix-up your classes from time to time to keep things exciting and fresh, but the way you leave people feeling after their visit should always be the same. If any part of the whole dynamic ever feels the slightest bit off, your customers will be able to feel it. And then your credibility, authenticity, and business could be affected.

Hold regular training with your yoga teachers to go over company news and share feedback together. Your employees are more likely to have pride in their work and feel like part of the family if your vision is clear and it’s one they can stand behind. The same goes for customers.

Check out our blog for more yoga-industry related tips like How to Open a Yoga Studio and also some Gym Event Ideas to get business flowing.